Let Them Eat Cake

December 11th, 2010

Today marks an exciting milestone in the life and times of Blog Nowhere Man … for it was on this very day during the very preceding month that our wordy electronic bulletin first kicked off its curious existence. Sepia toned good times filled with tremendously vibrant memories of that morning we hot wired the net before charging from the Vulture Street end with spangly spinnaker fully a flutter, heading with vim and a damp cloth toward the mixed metaphor horizon of just up beyond Darlinghurst.

Our first 30 days have captivated the discerning sidewalk enthusiast
Photo - Andrew Stark

And so without any further a do, in an act of due reverence, please let us all be upstanding whilst I crank up the phonograph for a bit of a low key, celebratory derriere wigglea one, a two, and a one two three - chicka boom, chicka boom, chicka boom – boom…

Now with the jiggy nonsense out of the way …may I suggest before I proceed that you resume your seats and just let me open by way of clarifying an odd discrepancy regards the archives tab. For if you gaze attentively towards your right you will notice a September reference for the initial post: please be rest assured this is some sort of blog furphy and the initial utterance of the Nowhere Man was hurled clumsily out into the stratosphere on Remembrance Day, November 11th, 2010. 

Golly gosh! And haven’t we experienced the full gamut of peaks and troughs in an emotion charged 30 days … or was it 31? And as the future greets us like a mid Feb heat haze dancing thickly atop the spinifexed tundra of the Minto Mall car park, we pay tribute to all who have sampled our fare (lookout punters – delusion has taken hold as the royal ‘we’ kicks in).  With an extra special ‘hooray’ for our exclusive brace of followers … the two ‘M’s’ – Mel & Mike; for living as we do in an era where genuine blog followers are harder to snare than Conger Eels when using week old damper and a rusty hook. Borrowing from the Jonestown experience, I ascertain that one must look after the ones one is lucky enough to have won over…and with this in mind I gave our original follower a rather sensual back rub this morning: a wholly spontaneous act that can’t of course be assumed or assured in subsequent Nowhere Man/Follower contracts (sorry Mike).

It’s been fun, and who knows what the future holds … for the streets, they are littered with photographers; the net, well it’s absolutely chockers with blogs – and so it’s onward and upward I say … hell, just one more month and we’ll have done two!             

1 comment:

mikepeters said...

Well, I'm sorely disappointed to have missed out on the sensual back rub. I'll just have to see if the Mrs, who by the way is a professional massage therapist, might actually indulge me as a consolation. I'm not sure I can afford her though.

Best to you with month #2! Mike